Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Daisy had her teeth cleaned a couple of weeks ago. While she was under they removed a lump from her chest that had been growing. They sent the lump of stuff to Washington State to get tested. It came back cancerous. So yesterday, they widened the margins of the incision and then went a little deeper to make sure they get all of the cancer out. They also removed another lump from her back, that turned out to be non-cancerous. They sent the stuff they removed back to the lab, so we are hoping it comes back clean. Since the incision was rather large, they had to put a drain in. So the yellow vest she has on, is to help hold the pad in place (or in our case a diaper) to help soak up stuff from the drain. Her foot is also wrapped, so that if she is to scratch her nails won't do any more damage. We are suppose to keep her from jumping on stuff so that it doesn't stretch her chest and the sutures too much. Last night she jumped up on to the bed to go to sleep, but she stayed there all night and we will just have to be very careful.

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