Friday, November 27, 2009

1st Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving, Logan tried mashed potatoes (wasn't too sure about those), but she enjoyed the cream from an apple salad that has butterscotch pudding and cool whip in it and she also liked the cream from another type of fruit salad. In the other pictures, Logan is sitting with her Great Grandma LaVerne and then looking through all of the ads to see if there are any good buys or anything worth getting up early on black Friday for. She decided to sleep until 9am!


Logan is now saying ma ma ma ma and ba ba ba ba...and da da da da has to be right around the corner. She still isnt crawling, but everyday she is getting closer.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Just like Daddy

Made with love

Logan's Grandma Leslie made this sweater for her!