I am now 37 weeks, but last week we had our last lamaze class and a doctor's appointment. They both went good!
We ended our lamaze class with learning how to breath and push at the same time. I think the class was useful and I will be able to say more after Baby Barnett is born, but I think in the midst of labor I am not going to be thinking about the different ways to breath or try to remember which one is best for what stage of labor...I think it is a good class to take to help ease some concerns and anxiety...but I think Curt and I are pretty easy going and will just go with the flow of what is best our baby and I.
At our doctor's appointment...he told me I still had several weeks to go...we have another appointment this coming Friday to see if there is progress. He did tell us if things start to happen, how we can get a hold of someone to find out if the things that are starting are real and if we need to head to the hospital. Our doctor also informed us that he will be out of town at the end of the month. To some this may worrisome, but he has been gone at 3 of our previous appointments where we saw the other doctor and nurse practioner in the office. So at least we are familiar with the other doctor if our doctor so happens to be gone when it is time for Baby Barnett's entrance.